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Dehydrated Onion

The onion is a hardy biennial with a bulb and hollow leaves. Green-white flowers are produced in summer. The fresh and dried bulb is used, as well as the fresh juice. It is grown underground by the plant as a vertical shoot that is used for food storage. Onions, one of the oldest vegetables, are found in a large number of recipes and preparations spanning almost the totality of the world\'s cultures. They are now available in fresh, frozen, canned, caramelized, pickled, powdered, chopped, and dehydrated forms. Dehydrated onion is produced by removing the water from raw onions. This is followed by milling or separating to specific particle size. Before drying, the roots and tops of the onion are removed, the onion is cleaned and peeled and the materials are washed and sliced. Onion powder is made from finely ground dehydrated onions, mainly the pungent varieties of bulb onions, which causes the powder to have a very strong smell. Onions are one of the most prevalent vegetables/spices in cuisines across the world. Rarely used as a main dish, onions often play the sidekick adding a distinct flavor to many meals, without dominating. Onions complement almost every savory dish and can be used in practically every way, cooked, raw, chopped, minced, pulverized, etc. Dehydrated onion are used in ethnic food preparations, dry soups mixes, canned, dry or frozen vegetable mixes, sauces, dry casserole mixes, food service & fast foods etc. Onion powder is a spice used for seasoning in cooking. Onion can also be added to curries, marinades, soups, stocks. Onion is a pungent herb, protecting against infection, relaxing spasms, reducing blood pressure as well as blood clotting and blood sugar levels. It further has expectorant and diuretic properties & contains a range of sulfur containing compounds - sulfoxides (cyteinesulfoxide, isomer of alliin) and cepaenes. It is often used for minor digestive disturbances and is also used for bronchial and gastric infections. Furthermore it also shows good results in preventing age-related changes in blood vessels - arteriosclerosis, as well as to treat loss of appetite. Externally, poultices can be made from raw onion for acne and boils. These are used for wounds and scars as well. Although an oil is made from onions, it is used in industry for flavoring. Onions are said to have positive effects on the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, bones and blood sugar. They are high in anti-oxidants and may even prevent some types of cancer. Use topically they may help prevent/treat acne, hemorrhoids, boils, and other skin irritations. Onions have been used to lower ‘bad’ cholesterol ,elevate ‘good’ cholesterol , as an antiseptic, reduce inflammation, reduce bacterial growth ,as a diuretic, inhibit tumor growth, maintain healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis, lower blood sugar, relive common cold symptoms, prevent diabetes, prevent gastric ulcers ,as a source of vitamin C, potassium and fiber






Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured leaves of the tea plant, After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world & has a cooling, slightly bitter, and astringent flavor that many people globally enjoy. CTC Teas Tea grown in the plains of North East India along the mighty river Brahmaputra manufactured using the CTC method (CTC is an acronym for crush, tear and curl) require the green tea leaves to be machine chopped into uniform and very small pieces. Thereafter the leaves are next spread out to oxidize as this process enables the tea leaves to develop their flavor, aroma strength and depth of body. At just the right time the leaves are then fired with hot air. Our CTC teas are fine and granular; and they\'re ideal for blending, specially for tea bags. If you are really interested in Chai, the traditional Indian tea you need Glory CTC tea to brew your cup of Chai. We manufacture and market all grades of CTC Teas as Bulk Teas, which are supplied in standard packaging as well as per customer requirements in viz. Polylined Jute Bags, Multiwall Paper Sacks, standard 1 Kg & 500 gms poly packs etc. Our teas are blackish in appearance and comprise of three main categories: Brokens: Granular black tea in various sizes. Fannings: Particles of leaf sifted out of bulk teas and are smaller than Brokens,. Dust: The smallest particles-powder. Tea has been promoted for having a variety of positive health benefits, though generally these benefits have not been adequately demonstrated in humans. The phrase \"herbal tea\" usually refers to infusions of fruit or herbs made without the tea plant. GLORY TEA: is a legendary brand, a blend of select Assam teas it is high on strength and instantly refreshes a person. Its extraordinary brand loyalty make customers carry along supplies on long and overseas journeys! DECCAN TEA is our modern age great black tea coming from Ooty region, adding new dimension to the historically flavored black teas. A fantastic anytime tea blend served in finer restaurants commanding bright, hearty and very well rounded liquor derived from a proprietary blend.



Sugar an important food also commonly known as sucrose is white crystalline substance, tastes sweet, a carbohydrate and 100% soluble in water. Sugar (Sucrose) is a natural combination of fructose and glucose. It is very stable product.


Black Pepper

Peppercorns, whether black, white or green, are the dried fruits of the pepper plant. One of the oldest and best-known spices in the world, pepper is indigenous to India and is rightly called the \"King of Spices\". It is a perennial, climbing vine indigenous to the Malabar Coast of India. The hotly pungent spice made from its berries is one of the earliest spices known and is probably the most widely used spice in the world today. Black pepper is produced when the fruits turn yellow-orange; pepper made from these almost ripe berries has a particularly good flavor. Fully ripened pepper fruits are used to make White Pepper. White pepper retains the full pungency of black pepper, but it has an altered flavor due to partial loss of aroma compounds. White pepper is significantly more expensive than black pepper. White pepper has a hotter taste than black pepper.



If cardamom is the queen of spices and peppers the black king, then turmeric is definitely the taste of India; because without turmeric every Indian kitchen is bare and incomplete. Indian Turmeric, which is also popularly known as \"Indian Saffron”, because of its bright yellow color, is considered the best in the world. Turmeric is mildly aromatic and has scents of orange or ginger. Turmeric has a pungent, bitter flavor. It is available in three types Nizam, Salem and Madras in the form of fingers and powder. Besides its usage in kitchen it is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory that works with-out side effects. It is a natural pain killer and a natural liver detoxifier as well


Cumin Seeds

Cumin is the seed of a small umbelliferous plant and is popularly used for food flavoring and aroma. Its flavor is pungent, powerful, sharp and slightly bitter. The seeds of the plant are used in whole or powdered form in food processing industry. It is mainly used in spicy foods. Cumin is seed of an annual small herb It is widely one of the widely used spices in our day-to-day cuisines. Cumin along with Coriander forms a major ingredient of Curry Powder and other Spice Blends. Cumin contains calcium, vitaminA, sodium, iron, magenisum and phosphorous Cumin is widely used flavor in Indian and Middle Eastern countries. It is mainly used where highly spicy food is preferred. It is an ingredient of most curry powders and many savory spice mixtures, and is used in stews, grills especially lamb and chicken dishes. In India, its popular usage is Zeera pani, a refreshing and appetizing drink made from cumin and tamarind water. Cumin is also used in different industries for its essential oil. It is also used for flavoring dishes, biscuits, confectionery and other spicy products.


Chick Peas (Chana)

Chickpea is slightly round & irregular shaped crop & a very important pulse crop that grows as a seed of a plant named Cicer arietinum in the Leguminosae family. This light brown colored pulse is considered to be a good source of protein and is also called by the name of Garbanzo beans. Chickpea is used as an edible seed and is also used for making flour throughout the globe. Chickpea is a highly nutritious pulse and places third in the importance list of the food legumes that are cultivated throughout the world and have a nut like taste with a high protein content in them. It contains 25% proteins, which is the maximum provided by any pulse and 60% carbohydrates. There are mainly two types of chickpea produced i.e. Desi and Kabuli. Types of Chickpeas: Chickpeas come in two basic varieties. These are: Desi Chickpeas: These are split peas and are relatively smaller in size with dark, small seeds and a rough coat. Desi peas are also known as \'Bengal gram\' or \'kala chana\'. They are mostly cultivated in India, Mexico, Ethiopia and Iran. Desi chickpeas have a remarkably high fiber content and are thus suitable for people suffering from diabetes Kabuli Chickpeas: These chickpeas are light, almost whitish cream in color, with larger seeds and a smoother coat as compared to the desi chickpeas. Introduced in India during the 18th century, the kabuli chickpeas are mainly grown in Southern Europe, Northern Africa, Chile and Afghanistan. Chick Pea Flour is made by grinding seeds. This flour is one of the main ingredients of many forms of Indian confectionary made with ghee and sugar. It is also used for preparing many tasty snacks like sev, chila and pakoras and curries like koftas. Green pods and tender shoots are used as a vegetable. Chick Peas or Bengal gram has many medicinal properties. Soaked in water overnight and chewed in the morning with honey, the whole gram seed acts as a general tonic. The liquid, obtained by soaking the seeds and then macerating them, also serves as tonic. Sprouted Bengal gram supplies plenty of B-complex and vitamins. Cooked germinated gram is a wholesome food for children and invalids. However excessive use of Bengal gram causes indigestion and may precipitate urinary calcium due to high concentration of oxalic acid and form urinary stone of calculi. It is good for Diabetes and Bengal gram extract, have shown considerable improvement in their fasting blood sugar levels, glucose tolerance, urinary excretion of sugar and general condition. It cures Anemia, Digestive System Disorder and valuable astringent for use in dyspepsia, vomiting, indigestion, costiveness, diarrhea and dysentery.


Coriander Seeds

Coriander Seeds are greenish-brown in color and have a strong aroma. The name coriander actually originated from the Greek word Koris meaning bedbug. This plant is considered to be indigenously form Greece but it has become widely used spice in most of the Asian countries. It is also used in many of the Greek dishes and Mexican dishes as a condiment. It also forms an important ingredient in many of the Thai recipes. When these rounded seeds are crushed with a mortar and pestle, they give off a strong sweet smell somewhere between cinnamon, rose, orange, and clove. The leaves of this plant are smooth and the whole plant including the stem as well as the leaves is used in cookery. It is extensively used in curry powders and adds a nice flavor to it. Coriander, like many spices, contains antioxidants, which can delay or prevent the spoilage of food seasoned with this spice.


Fennel Seeds

It is a hardy, perennial, umbelliferous herb, with yellow flowers and feathery leaves. Fennel is used as a spice, a medicine and food preservative from a very long period of time. Fennel seeds are the ripe, dried, gray-green striped to yellowish brown schizocarpic fruits of the fennel bush. As a thumb rule, a bright green color seeds indicates a good quality. Obtained from an aromatic and medicinal plant, the seeds emit a pleasant odor, are highly aromatic and have a pungent flavor. It contains essential oil 1 to 6% which is rich in anethole. It has about 15% fatty oil. Generally fennel has less penetrative smell than cumin.